Adults' Submissions Set 8

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WINTER, 2001
How lucky we are
to be here.

Elizabeth Bracken, Bronxville, NY

Look upon the urban blight,
rows of houses lit so bright,
it looks like Vegas in the night.
So many kilowatts of light,
and other loud and garish sights,
it makes me long for some respite,
from all the green and red and white.

Gerald Barte, Mendota Hts, MN

O'er the ice and snow
On highway 52
On the way to grandma's house
Safe driving I wish to you
Praise God or Allah or your
Choice of a Higher Power
For the safety brought by
Salted roads, four-wheel-drive and manual cars
Salted roads, salted roads...

Melissa Rueb, Rochester, MN

A season of hope
to strengthen your soul.
A season of love
to fill your heart with peace.
A season of joy
to appreciate your many blessings.
A season of faith
to remind you of the true meaning of Christmas.
May you be filled with
hope, love, joy, and faith.

Heather Magnuson, Minneapolis, MN

like the red maple,
let your heart fold itself into
origami leaves.

Joyce Sidman, Wayzata, MN

A toast to you, my lover, companion, confidant, and dear friend. Your endless support and delicate love is such a gift. I could never give a gift so fine. May you hold the same warmth and graceful peace in your heart this Christmas as you always do. I surely will while at your side.

Kerry Gervais, Northfield, MN

Winters Wonder

Winters wonder
Nature's pause
As time inhales deeply
To catch and hold the moment.
A rite of resting
Disturbed at times
By blustery dreams,
Adding blanket upon blanket
A deeper nest for slumber.
Too soon
The wakeful Spring arrives.
Sleep on, sleep on
Renew, refresh, and fill.
T. Frances

Teresa Nelson, Arden Hills, MN

A toast...
To the families and loved ones
who cannot be together this holiday season.
May they be blessed with
love, joy, peace, happiness, and
know they are being prayed for.
May God bless them with his
eternal grace.

Erica Hanson, Maple Grove, MN

I give recognization to one above.
He, who I call Grandpa, I never knew.
But, he is still beside me holding my hand.
He is still my Grandpa even though he is in heaven.

Paige Marvin, Plymouth, MN

In the darkest season,the light in our hearts will glow.
In winter's first month,warmth radiates to our fellow man.
At the end of the year,we begin with new resolve to care for all.
The peace of the season will lift fallen spirits and fill hearts with joy.

Kristine Hansen, St Paul, MN

May those who walk upon the land be blessed
May those who are recieved into God's hands be blessed
May all those who bless others be blessed in the eyes of our lord.

Nick Au, Plymouth, MN

It's a few days till Christmas, and all through our home... we're much too busy to answer the phone... So if you'll leave a message right after the beep... We'll try to return it before you're asleep... Merry Christmas!

Don Bilyeu, Lenox, MA

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